A PowerShell-based GUI tool for managing user offboarding in both Active Directory and Office 365 environments. Designed to work across multiple Windows architectures including x86, x64, and ARM. Features a demo mode for testing and training purposes.
This script is actively being developed, with frequent updates and new features. And offcourse - sometimes some features might not be fully tested yet, if you find something donβt hesitate to create an issue.
The tool automatically adapts to your system architecture:
Use of LDAPS can be set in settings
Test the applicationβs functionality without affecting your AD environment:
Screenshots may be outdated due to continuous development!
Login Screen
On Premise options
O365 Options
Settings Workflow crud
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/CreativeAcer/OffboardingManager.git
# Navigate to the directory
cd OffboardingManager
# Optional: Create desktop shortcut
# This will automatically create a shortcut on your desktop for you
These items might change the scope of this project
Feel free to submit issues, fork the repository and create pull requests for any improvements.
Export to CSV
βββ Create-FolderstructureReport.ps1
βββ Create-OffboardingShortcut.ps1
βββ Create-Shortcut.bat
βββ FolderStructure.txt
βββ Launch-Offboarding.ps1
βββ README.md
βββ Start-Offboarding.ps1
βββ Test-LDAPSConnection.ps1
βββ Config/
β βββ Colors.ps1
β βββ Fonts.ps1
β βββ Settings.json
β βββ Settings.ps1
βββ Docs/
β βββ Icon/
β β βββ offboarding-icon-color.ico
β β βββ offboarding-icon-color.svg
β β βββ offboarding-icon.ico
β β βββ offboarding-icon.svg
β βββ Images/
β β βββ Login.png
β β βββ MainWindow.png
β β βββ O365.png
β β βββ OnPrem.png
β β βββ reporting.png
β β βββ Settings-Workflow.png
β β βββ Settings.png
βββ Functions/
β βββ Core/
β β βββ Environment.ps1
β β βββ Dependencies/
β β β βββ DotNetVersionCheck.ps1
β β βββ Logging/
β β β βββ Write-ActivityLog.ps1
β β β βββ Write-Errorlog.ps1
β βββ Data/
β β βββ ADModule/
β β β βββ ADConnection.ps1
β β β βββ ADUsers.ps1
β β βββ LDAP/
β β β βββ LDAPConnection.ps1
β β β βββ LDAPUsers.ps1
β β βββ Mock/
β β β βββ MockData.ps1
β β βββ O365/
β β β βββ Connect-MgGraphWithDeviceCode.ps1
β β β βββ Connect-O365.ps1
β β β βββ Show-DeviceCodeInstructions.ps1
β β β βββ Start-AuthenticationProcess.ps1
β βββ Reports/
β βββ UI/
β β βββ EasterEgg.ps1
β β βββ Handlers/
β β β βββ O365Handlers.ps1
β β β βββ OnPremHandlers.ps1
β β β βββ ReportHandlers.ps1
β β β βββ SettingsHandler.ps1
β β βββ O365/
β β β βββ Initialize-O365Tab.ps1
β β β βββ Start-O365Tasks.ps1
β β β βββ Tasks/
β β β β βββ Get-O365Status.ps1
β β β β βββ Set-LicenseTasks.ps1
β β β β βββ Set-MailboxTasks.ps1
β β β β βββ Set-TeamsTasks.ps1
β β β βββ UI/
β β β β βββ Update-ForwardingList.ps1
β β β β βββ Update-LicenseList.ps1
β β β β βββ Update-TeamsOwnerList.ps1
β β βββ Services/
β β β βββ O365/
β β β β βββ Connect-O365.ps1
β β β β βββ LicenseManagement.ps1
β β β β βββ MailboxManagement.ps1
β β β β βββ TeamsManagement.ps1
β β βββ Shared/
β β β βββ LoadingScreen.ps1
β β β βββ XamlHelper.ps1
β β β βββ Controls/
β β β β βββ Update-WorkflowDropdowns.ps1
β β βββ Windows/
β β β βββ Login/
β β β β βββ LoginDialog.ps1
β β β βββ Main/
β β β β βββ Initialize-MainWindow.ps1
β β β β βββ MainWindow.ps1
β β β β βββ Show-UserDetails.ps1
β β β β βββ Update-SelectedUser.ps1
β β β β βββ Update-UserList.ps1
β β β β βββ Filter-UserList.ps1
β β β βββ Reports/
β β β β βββ Initialize-ReportsTab.ps1
β β β βββ Settings/
β β β β βββ Initialize-WorkflowSettingsTab.ps1
β β β β βββ SettingsHandler.ps1
β β β β βββ Show-SettingsWindow.ps1
β β β β βββ WorkflowTaskSettings.ps1
β β βββ Workflow/
β β β βββ Initialize-WorkflowTab.ps1
β βββ Utilities/
β β βββ Converters.ps1
β β βββ PathUtils.ps1
β βββ Workflow/
β β βββ Start-OffboardingWorkflow.ps1
β β βββ WorkflowTasks.ps1
β β βββ Configuration/
β β β βββ Get-TaskSettings.ps1
β β β βββ Get-WorkflowConfiguration.ps1
β β β βββ Import-WorkflowConfiguration.ps1
β β β βββ Remove-WorkflowConfiguration.ps1
β β β βββ Save-WorkflowConfiguration.ps1
β β βββ Tasks/
β β β βββ Get-WorkflowTasks.ps1
βββ Logs/
β βββ error_log.txt
β βββ OffboardingActivities/
β β βββ 20250107.log
βββ Reports/
βββ XAML/
βββ Components/
β βββ DeviceCodeWindow.xaml
β βββ LoadingWindow.xaml
βββ Windows/
βββ LoginWindow.xaml
βββ MainWindow.xaml
βββ SettingsWindow.xaml